
What's it all about?

It all starts with the First Drive

Like all of us, my driving journey started with my first drive, it just so happened that mine happened to be behind the wheel of our 1957 Series 1 when I was 8 years old around our yard... when my Dad wasn't looking. Ever since that fateful day I have been obsessed with all things on four wheels. Road Classics is merely the extension of my addiction to be around all things cars and offer an exceptional service for my fellow addicts.

Road Classics is here to offer a comprehensive service to sellers and buyers, from initial contact in regards to a car you would like to sell to arranging transportation for a car your buying to your door.

When selling with us we will come to view the car and advise on how to best present the vehicle ready for listing. Thereafter we will take up to 200 high quality images and use these to list on all major sites as well as generating maximum exposure through our social media channels. From there we will handle all sales enquires, arrange viewings with you and potential buyers.

When buying with us we only aim to consign the finest quality of vehicles possible and each vehicle will have detailed pictures and walkthrough videos upon request to give you confidence  about the . We will also help with each step of the process whether that be a pre purchase inspection, viewings and arranging transportation of the vehicle to your door.

What do we Aim to do

Road Classics is here to provide an honest and transparent exchange for both buyers and sellers of classic cars.

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